Today was a decent day, first went to WIC office to get the formula checks they forgot, that went quick... and it was a nice easy process... than went to another appointment... that took about a half hour.. and than we went home and I needed a nap... I had an appointment at 3:30-5:30.. my support group/learning group about BPD.... it was a good group, I felt a big intimidated with all the information, I couldnt believe it was so spot on about who I am as a person.. but its good to know these things, so I have something to work with.... so heres to starting to change and hopefully getting myself better...
I did have a really weird thing happen today though.. .I was told to apply for disability based on my mental stability, since I have BPD and as my doctor says "dehabilitating" anxiety, and major depression... I never thought of myself as someone who would need to apply for that... but since I've had to just stay at home and take care of my husband and kids I havent considered how it would be to try to hold a full time job... kinda scary.... It was kind of disappointing to think, maybe I am not capable of doing the "normal" day of a person..... and you honestly.. I cant say 100% I would be able to.... how scary.......
Anyways, the boys are now just getting into trouble as always, as I'm typing Riley is playing with the mouse and throwing cds on the ground, than grabs a coffee mug, hes gunna break the darn thing, I had to take it away.... and Jesse is fussy... and Ian, well hes being good, hes just relaxing watching some tv..... earlier we read some books together, that was awesome.. and hoping he'll let me read him some more before bed, which is NOW! uh oh, didnt realize the time.. I gotta get off this and go do bedtime stuff... .
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