Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day One of my Blog

I just want to introduce myself, tell a little about my life, and the things you'll be reading about, its hectic, its fast moving, with bits of amazing joy, and horrifying chaos.... my name is Alicia, I'm a 22 year old mother of three boys... yes THREE boys... my oldest son Ian will be 4 in Feb., my second son is 18 months, and my youngest will be three months old soon. I'm married to an amazing husband, I love him very much, but along with him comes his mental problems.... he's a schizophrenic, he's bipolar, major depression, ptsd, and anxiety.... and I'm a mother with Borderline Personality Traits, and major depression/post partum depression, and horrible anxiety.... as you see, it can be a tough mix, but we're working our butts off to make this work each and every day...

We both currently have counselors, psychiatrists, and I'm going to a support group to better understand and work on my BPD. I know all these labels people must be like ahhhhhh wtf, these people are crazy.. but we're normal, living every day like the rest of you, we just handle things a bit differently sometimes.... My husband is well medicated, you wouldnt even know he has the mental problems he has, its more at home little traits come out, and some of those traits are what makes me love him... God made him perfect, just the way he was ment. I on the other hand have been struggling a bit with trying to get this post partum depression under control.... its up and down with getting it situated, but I see my doctor tomorrow and I'm convinced with keeping my follow-ups there will be brighter days.....

So on the best part of my life, my kids, let me tell you a bit about them....

Ian, hes a firecracker, hes the funniest kid you'll ever meet, he tells funny stories, and jokes, and sometimes I think he thinks its real, but its just hilarious... hes the sweetest kid as well.... always ready for hugs and kisses, and tickle time... as well as he LOVES being read to. He does have his temper though too, hes 3 1/2.. its expected.. he goes through stages where he thinks "hes the boss"... well those stages disappear quickly, he appologizes, says who the real bosses are, and we get back to fun and games.... I absolutely ADORE him.

Riley is my snuggle bunny hunny! hes just a cuddler, he is so funny, he'll follow around Ian and do everything that Ian does, and than get mad if he cant do it the same way.... hes still not really talking, so he gets frustrated sometimes and takes it out by screaming or hitting.. but we're working with him to get his speech better, and helping him understand his emotions and get them out since he cant talk them yet...

Than we got Jesse... hes a dolly! hes just so tiny and cute!! He has this birthmark on his forehead, its just weird, but makes him very unique, hes smiley sometimes and those smiles will melt your heart... since hes so young he doesnt do a lot, but when he does something, it'll light up your day for the whole day.....

So now that you've got to know a little about me, I'm just gunna be posting my daily rants/raves/etc. etc. I need an outlit, I'm not much of a writer, but typing works good, and hey, you all can follow and just see how "crazy" I really am?? lol.

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